
How to design the gate system of Plastic Injection Molds to obtain good injection molding results?

Publish Time: 2024-06-25
The gate system design of Plastic Injection Molds is crucial to obtain good injection molding results.

First, the location of the gate needs to be considered. The gate location should be selected where the plastic melt can evenly fill the cavity, and usually the thicker wall of the product is preferred to avoid short shots and insufficient filling. At the same time, avoid surfaces that may cause appearance defects in the product.

There are also many options for gate types, such as direct gates, side gates, and point gates. Direct gates are suitable for molds with single cavities, deep cavities, and high injection pressure requirements; side gates are simple to process and easy to remove, and are suitable for most small and medium-sized products; point gates can achieve automatic demoulding, and the gate marks are small, and are often used for products with high appearance requirements.

The size of the gate is one of the key factors affecting the injection molding effect. The cross-sectional area and length of the gate need to be determined based on factors such as the fluidity of the plastic, the size and wall thickness of the product. Generally speaking, plastics with good fluidity can use a smaller gate cross-sectional area; for large or thin-walled products, the gate cross-sectional area should be appropriately increased to ensure sufficient filling speed.

The number of gates also needs to be carefully designed. For large or complex-shaped products, multiple gates may be required to achieve uniform filling and reduce internal stress and deformation.

When designing the gate system, the flow balance of the melt should also be considered. Through reasonable flow channel layout and gate size matching, the plastic melt can reach all parts of the cavity at the same time to avoid local overfilling or underfilling.

In addition, the gate removal method should also be considered. For products with high appearance requirements, the gate type and position that are easy to remove and have small residual marks should be selected.

In short, the design of the gate system of Plastic Injection Molds requires comprehensive consideration of factors such as the shape, size, performance of plastic materials, and production efficiency and cost of the product. By carefully designing and optimizing the gate system, the quality of injection molded products can be effectively improved, defects can be reduced, production costs can be reduced, and good injection molding effects can be achieved.

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